It is a sobering reality that Cincinnati is one of the poorest cities in the country. The overall poverty rate in Cincinnati is nearly 30% compared to 14% nationally. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, almost 45% of children in the city of Cincinnati live below the federal poverty level and across the region, nearly 20% of children live below the poverty level. Families struggling to put food on their table cannot prioritize purchasing school supplies.
“Approximately 1 out of every 5 children living in the Greater Cincinnati area is living in poverty”
Founded in 1997, Crayons to Computers has worked to level the playing field in the classroom by ensuring that teachers can provide their students in need the tools to succeed in school. To date, we have distributed more than $200 million worth of free school supplies, hygiene items, healthy snacks, enhancement and incentive items thanks to our partnerships with sponsoring companies and organizations. Since our inception, poverty levels—both national and local—have steadily increased. We have not changed our service area in recent years or our eligibility criteria, the need is simply growing. In fact, according to recent census data, approximately 1 out of every 5 children living in the Greater Cincinnati area is living in poverty.
Teachers are the heart of what we do. 94% of teachers routinely spend more than $500 out of their own pocket every year to provide tools for their classrooms. We hope to alleviate some of their financial burden.
Through our Teacher Resource Center (Store), and online ordering for pickup or delivery, we are able to offer a variety of materials that support learning, including basic supplies like crayons, paper, scissors, and pencils, as well as enrichment and incentive items that teachers can use to motivate and inspire student engagement. Products are donated or purchased at reduced or wholesale prices from partnering companies.
Students without access to adequate resources often face insurmountable challenges. When students have the tools necessary to achieve, the possibilities are endless. In fact, according to a recent Kids in Need Foundation survey, teachers observe that once school supplies are available:
91% saw increased class preparedness
66% saw an increase in class participation
63% saw an increased interest in learning
92% of teachers were able to create a more equal learning environment
90% of teachers say that access to free supplies is critically or very important to their personal budget
“Teaching is the one profession that creates all other professions.”
Their students are the scientists, doctors, and lawyers of tomorrow. Crayons to Computers will be here for the students of today as well as the future.
Their Crayons Stories
In honor of our 25th Anniversary, we wanted to hear from volunteers, teacher shoppers, donors, and Board members about what Crayons means to them. The videos below highlight their Crayons journeys and/or what they’re most proud of through their long association with Crayons over the years.